Wind Measurments - Services

Wind Measurments

AEOLIAN DEVELOPMENT focuses on the sector of wind measurements providing accredited services of wind measurement as well as services that cover the whole measurement spectrum.

More specifically, AEOLIAN DEVELOPMENT has been accredited under the terms of ELOT EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Standard and the ESYD Criteria in carrying out wind measurements tests.


  • Consulting services on wind measurement system installation
  • Measurement systems configuration for the purpose of wind studies
  • Installation of wind measurements masts of 10-64m height in difficult and unreachable sites
  • Maintenance and surveillance of measuring systems
  • Collection and elaboration of wind data
  • Wind data analysis with WindRose software
  • Long-term wind data correlation
  • Wind flow simulation through WAsP

The Company has two independent teams for wind masts’ installation, as well as one specialized external team for masts’ installation of more than 40m height. The installation of each measuring mast is performed according to the requirements of IEC-61400-12-1 and is certified by the accredited persons from the Company.

Until today the company has installed more than 100 wind measurement masts throughout Greece.
Today the company is conducting measurement campaign with 50 wind measurement masts.